• Communications Assessment
  • Communications Planning
  • Knowledge Management
  • Workshop Facilitation
  • Research
  • Agriculture / Environment
  • Non-profit / Philanthropy
  • Strategy

FEWS NET, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, was created in 1985 by USAID in response to devastating famines in East and West Africa. FEWS NET provides unbiased, evidence-based analysis to governments and relief agencies who plan for and respond to humanitarian crises. It also supports resilience and development programming. FEWS NET reports are used by governments, scientists, international agencies, NGOs to inform their decision-making. Now in its seventh phase, FEWS NET wanted to assess its current outreach efforts and determine strategic outreach priorities.

As a resource partner to Kimetrica and AIR, Ensemble designed a qualitative assessment, interviewed key stakeholders and next determined an outreach approach, objectives and success indicators for the strategy. We also provided a multi-year draft implementation plan. The outreach strategy was vetted by FEWS NET team members and will support FEWS NET programming going forward.

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